Meet Smarter

Capture What’s Important, Effortlessly.

Transcribe, summarize, and generate action points for your meetings.

What makes Jotswift the perfect fit for you?

We use a higher quality AI than our competitors to allow you to filter out the fluff, add and remove topics, and search across all of your meetings to find key themes. We then generate concise action items right to your inbox. No gimmicks. Just software that works.

Ideal for any meeting anywhere.

Jotswift uses AI to transcribe your meetings, summarize the key points, eliminate off topic discussions, and generate action items right to your inbox.


We capture the whole meeting so you don’t miss a thing.


Our AI summarizes the meeting into easily digestible headings and salient details.


Most transcription services leave in off-topic comments. Jotswift filters these out to reflect only the useful material.

Action Items

Collaborate cross functionally with meeting action items delivered right to your inbox.

How It Works

Invite Jotswift to your meeting.

Simply invite or forward the meeting invite to Jotswift and we’ll handle the rest.

Jotswift attends your meeting.

Jotswift will transcribe your meeting, analyzing it for key points and follow ups.

Jotswift prepares a summary and action items.

Ask Jotswift questions, have it search across all meetings and notes, and generate insights.

Meet Smarter: Capture What’s Important, Effortlessly.